Sunday, October 14, 2007

Heat attack

A more dramatic effect media violence has had on me occurred in high school. I saw 21 Grams, a movie involving a woman (Naomi Watts) whose husband and kids die in a car accident and a man with a hear condition (Sean Penn), who dies at the end of the movie. Nothing about the movie is overtly violent but the undercurrents of the movie were.

I don’t know why, but I left this movie very disturbed. First of all, I have weird hear moments where it skips a beat—which happened multiple times during the movie, so that bothered me. (Especially sine the guy dies of a heart attack!)

When I was driving home, my arms and legs went numb—I pulled over on the highway and made my friend take me to the hospital. I truly believed I was having a heart attack. After calling my dad, who is a doctor, he told me to come home. Turns out, I hyperventilated.

I blame the large coffee I drank and the fact that the movie and the conflicts seemed realistic, which is proven to inspire fear in older children…or high school students.

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