Sunday, November 4, 2007

Who wants to think about kids having sex?

Take one look at primetime TV and it’s not so surprising that a lot of teens are having sex. I know it’s not fair to blame the media for every moral crisis in our country, but sex is one thing the media has changed. Fifty years ago, you would never watch a TV show constantly highlighting extramarital sex, but now the majority of sexual exploits involve the unmarried or adulterous.

Frankly, I’m sick of shows’ that revolve around sex. I’ve grown up believing that casual sex is normal and expected largely based on what I’ve learned from TV shows. My generation already has widely different ideas about sex than our parents, so will things reach another level with even younger generations?

On a recent episode of Private Practice, a spin-off of Grey’s Anatomy, a 13-year-old had a severe case of gonorrhea and nearly died due to a miscarriage. This girl, in her grade school uniform talked about how she always used condoms and has had sex with multiple boys. I’m sorry, but 13? I think this was irresponsible. I know sex sells, but let’s not sell it to kids quite yet.

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